“To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”
-William Shakespeare
“If I don’t practice for a day, I know it. If I don’t practice for two days, the critics know it. And if I don’t practice for three days, the public knows it.“
-Louis Armstrong
My life is dedicated to practice, rehearsal, self-reflection, education, and presentation. I know that this life is meant to be a journey of continuous improvement. And the journey will never be over.
These last few weeks, so many exciting things have happened and there is so much to share. “So much time, and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it.” -Willy Wonka
While on my extended tour of the UK I became the first American Prime Minister to live at 10 Downing Street
Watch Here.

Less than 300 Americans alive today have stood where I am standing. And I even had the opportunity to pet the Prime Ministers cat. Here is Obama being a copy-cat. Thanks Obama.
To my fellow Americans, this is like someone from the UK shooting funny videos at the front door of the White House and playing with the Presidents dog. I hope it doesn’t create an international incident!
The UK was amazing and I will soon be releasing a compilation set of notes about my adventures across the pond.

In other news, I’ve been asked to provide a keynote TED style talk for the Medical Leadership Conference for IHC (Intermountain Healthcare). They are one of the largest Healthcare systems in the world. It is slightly intimidating as they are the home of my personal primary care providers. As such, anything I say or do can and will be used against me. It is a wonderful opportunity to share magic with a message and mix original anthropological research with showmanship. Right now I’m working on the topic: Creating Culture: Capturing Extraordinary Results from Fatigued Team Members.
It is so exciting to be speaking with the medical group that will include leaders from the hospital where I was born.
For more visit – HelpingHospitalsHeal.com
Stay creative, innovative, and keep practicing whatever you are passionate about!
Your friend,
-Paul Draper
Read more about Paul:
Paul Draper Mentalism (pdf)
Transformational Leadership with Paul Draper (pdf)
There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry. —
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll; —
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul.
-Emily Dickinson
The Orleans Hotel
I’m up on the big sign in front of the The Orleans Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas! I’ll be headlining in the Orleans Showroom August 22nd at 8pm. Tickets are $30.

$135 Grand prize! $75 Cash and 2 free tickets to the winner.
Send me a photo of the Orleans sign with me on it. Whoever has the best photo by Aug 20th wins.
Best photo could be the funniest photo with you bending spoons while wearing a suit or it could be the most beautiful photo with a shot of the casino in the background and a beautiful sunset. Email your high resolution submissions to Paul@MentalMysteries.com or post them to Facebook / Instagram and tag me.
New Demo & DVD

It is so hard to squeeze an entire career into less than 3 minutes. Watch and let me know your thoughts.
Watch Here
Also have a new DVD out just for professional Magicians and Mentalists.
Paypal $15 to Paul@RealMagic.org and I’ll send you a copy.