“The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty, and truth.”
– Albert Einstein
It is springtime and a time for rebirth is all around us as the world come back to life from winter and baby animals of every kind from birds to squirrels start to appear all around us.

Sitting in the sun watching the dog play in my backyard I came to the realization that I graduated from High School when I was 18 and that is now almost 18 years ago. 4 years to 40. Is that still “Over the Hill”?
In the meantime, I have some exciting things coming up this month:
Help me raise money for a new Math Library at Grant Elementary School. I am presenting a fundraising show at Murray High School and all of the profits go directly to help the elementary school kids.
Learn More Here

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Here is a news story
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I’ll be the auctioneer for the Las Vegas Magic Auction April 22nd. Come buy and sell gently used magic. Boomers Bar and Grill in Las Vegas. Doors open for preview at 5pm, Auction at 7pm.
Los Angeles:
I’ll be back at the World Famous Magic Castle April 23-26
Watch Here
Now for some fun with mathematics and cards in honor of my upcoming show on Friday.
This Is The Best Way To Shuffle Cards, According To Math.

And you are probably doing it wrong, I know that I was!
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Your friend,
-Paul Draper
Read more about Paul:
Paul Draper Mentalism (pdf)
Transformational Leadership with Paul Draper (pdf)
“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”
– Pablo Picasso
See Certain Colors For The First
SECRETS Revealed

Heathrow, England: For my Magician, Mentalist, Corporate Entertainer & Hypnotist friends in the UK, Please take a look at my intensive 2-day workshop I’m offering through the UK Hypnosis Academy in Heathrow, England in June. This class will fill up fast as we have limited seats available.
Read Here

An interview and article about the event will soon be published in MagicSeen magazine but has an early appearance on the blog of the writer Tim Shoesmith.
Read Part 1
…”Good mentalism draws you in and to some extent makes an audience question the limits of human ability”…
Read Part 2
…”Magic at its core is a visual art. Many magic effects can be performed in isolation from the magician and can still be visually stimulating, even if the audience knows how it is done”…
Kindness Means Being an Advocate for Others

Paul Block
When I was a very young boy in Salt Lake, an African American man came up to me and asked if I was the grandson of Paul Block. I was. He told me the story of how there was a restaurant in Salt Lake City near the Block and Gus Meat packing plant that didn’t allow Blacks to eat there. “I was working there at the time and talking with Mr. Block as he walked to the restaurant. When we got to the door I told him that they wouldn’t serve me in there. He said that I should walk in with him. The owners recognizing Mr. Block told him they would be happy to serve me at the back door but I couldn’t come in the restaurant. Everyone in there eating worked for Mr. Block and he told the owner of the restaurant that if they didn’t serve me, they would be out of business before the month was up. They refused. Well, Mr. Block went back after lunch and told the entire staff working the plant that if any of them were seen going to that restaurant on their lunch break that they would be let go. And he gave everyone a longer lunch break to find somewhere else. And that restaurant closed up within a month and a better one took its place. Standing up for someone else. That was one of the nicest things anyone ever did for me.” I’ll always remember the power of that story. And his emotions about being able to go into a restaurant like an equal without fear or judgment over how he was born. I hope lots of grandchildren in America one day hear stories about how their grandparents were advocates for others and stood up against prejudice so every citizen could have equal rights and equal access.