It is the most wonderful time of the year. This is the time when we stop to recognize the miracles that happen in our own lives, what we are grateful for and what is important to us. It is also a time to say thank you to those kind people who work to make our lives better. You are my Chanukah, Christmas, and Festivus miracle!!

With that, let me share with you some of the GOOD, the BAD, the UGLY and the lessons I’ve learned in the last few days.

After successful corporate holiday parties back to back in Butte and Billings, in Helena, Montana I had my wallet stolen. I always carry my wallet on stage. However, after the show, I went to change and was interrupted to meet some VIPs. My wallet was in my suit pants on the dressing table, while away, someone stepped in and stole over $1,300 in cash, 4k in checks, my original Social Security card and other important documents. My only wish is that the one who took it was someone who needed it more than me. For many of the workers at the venue, that amount of cash would have represented 6 weeks worth of paychecks. So I released it into the world with good wishes.

The flight would have to be changed, so I could wait for my family to send my passport to help with the boarding process. All of the cards had to be cancelled and I had to accept that some items, like photographs, were lost forever.

I posted on Facebook what had happened. In the meantime, to take my mind off of the event I donated my time to a local church for their Christmas party and performed a free show for the children. I was staying at the home of some friends, and upon my return, I discovered that other friends had posted online for people to send $5 to my paypal account – and they had! They sent over $700 with well wishes within just a few hours. Even though I posted that the money they sent had been enough to get home, the money continued. Within 48 hours, 42 people had sent over $2,000 to help with food, flights, replacement fees, a new wallet etc. It was like I was living in “It’s a Wonderful Life”.
The lessons learned: Don’t keep your social security card in your wallet! But also, friends and family are more important than money or things. Memories are more important than possessions. The more we give, the more we receive. You have all taught me that. This week I’ve been inspired to give food to the homeless shelter / rescue missions, donate my time to non-profits for their fundraisers and banquets and donate shows to universities for their scholarship and refurbishment funds.
The Spirit of the Holidays is alive and well within me because I have been inspired by you.
Happy Holidays!
Also, I still have days available for corporate holiday parties or even small gatherings where you want to impress between now and New Years.
For more, check out my new videos at
Your friend,
-Paul Draper
Read more about Paul:
Paul Draper Mentalism (pdf)
Transformational Leadership with Paul Draper (pdf)
“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
-Albert Schweitzer
Christmas Special

I’ve just been informed that I will be guest starring on the Hallmark Ch’s Christmas special edition of “Home & Family”. Time to book transportation to Universal City, California and set the recorder.
Watch part of my Halloween special
Watch Here
Or see past episodes
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Board of Directors

It is an honor to be elected to sit on the Board of Directors for the Inclusion Center. A human rights organization founded in 1927 as the NCCJ.
My 20-year affiliation with this prestigious organization started when a local man in my hometown named Joseph Rosenblatt donated the money for me to attend a leadership and diversity camp one summer that changed my life for the better. I have served in many positions and was honored with “Volunteer of the Year” in 2002.
Thank you to everyone who has made this possible, I look forward to serving in this new position. It is our mission to help create a more caring world through conflict resolution, education, advocacy, and empowerment.
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I never met Mr. Rosenblatt who first brought me to the NCCJ but here is what the governor of Utah and the 1st Presidency of the LDS Church had to say about him.
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