“If you’re climbing the ladder of life, you go rung by rung, one step at a time.. Don’t look too far up, set your goals high but take one step at a time. Sometimes you don’t think you’re progressing until you step back and see how high you’ve really gone.” – Donny Osmond (His family always gave full sized candy bars on Halloween!)
Welcome to November’s “Mysteries of the Mind” monthly newsletter!
What would the YOU of 10 years ago think of all that you have done and accomplished in the last 10 years? This is a question that my Uncle Richard wisely asks me whenever I am sad, down or blue. It is incredible how much this tool helps me. If you could tell the YOU of 10 years ago some of the amazing and incredible things that you have experienced, what would you say? I have found that this is a very powerful and enlightening mental exercise. Try it! Make a list.
You 10 years ago would be so very happy with the good that has happened, so amazed at what you have been through and so proud of what you know now. Send me an email and tell me about what you would brag about and teach the YOU of 10 years ago!
One of my happy announcements is that my show posters made the cover of the #1 resource for magic posters in the world! Click here to view www.nnmagic.com/. For many years I have dreamed of owning many of the classic and historic posters from this collection and now mine are among the best! Surrounded by Magic legends like Lance Burton, David Blaine, and Siegfried and Roy.
East Coast friends, soon I will be performing Off Broadway at “Monday Night Magic” in New York at The Players Theater. Would be great to see all of you. What Broadway shows should I seewhile I am in town? Pippin is already high on my list!
Watch here.
In other news, the last week I’ve been working on the breakdown for my organizational workshops. Since sales writing is not my key skill. Please send any suggestions for how to make it more readable, relatable, and understandable.Also, any recommendations for whom to send it to… I am happy to offer a referral fee!
Click here.
I look forward to catching up with you somewhere on the road!
Your friend,
-Paul Draper
www.MentalMystery.com (agent friendly site)
“When I was a little kid – and even still – I loved magic tricks. When I saw how movies got made – at least had a glimpse when I went on the Universal Studios tour with my grandfather, I remember feeling like this was another means by which I could do magic.”
-J.J. Abrams (Hollywood Director and Producer)

Hannukah and Thanksgiving will begin on the same day this year with Thanksgivukkah! This won’t happen for over 70,000 years so we’re getting festive with dreidels, turkeys and menurkeys!

“This correspondence of American Thanksgiving and Jewish Hanukkah is almost poetic.” said Ivy Barsky, chief executive officer of the museum. “Hanukkah is all about fighting against religious persecution and finding religious freedom, and Thanksgiving is about the pilgrims coming to America to escape religious and other forms of persecution. The fact that we get them together this year, the message is really lovely.” — Philadelphia Inquirer
Smithsonian launches a 3D scanning and printing initiative

With most of its 137 million objects kept behind the scenes or in a faraway museum, the Smithsonian Institution is launching a new 3D scanning and printing initiative to make more of its massive collection accessible to schools, researchers and the public worldwide.
A small team has begun creating 3D models of some key objects that represent the breadth of the collection at the world’s largest museum complex. Some of the first 3D scans include the Wright brothers’ first airplane, Amelia Earhart’s flight suit, casts of President Abraham Lincoln’s face during the Civil War and a Revolutionary War gunboat. Less familiar objects include a former slave’s horn, a missionary’s gun from the 1800s and a woolly mammoth fossil from the Ice Age. They are pieces of history some people may hear about but rarely see or touch.