“When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things – not the great occasions – give off the greatest glow of happiness.” – Bob Hope
Welcome to December’s “Mysteries of the Mind” monthly newsletter!
Bob Hope’s quote rings so true to me. When I think of the happy memories this season, it often surrounds someone who made cookies, sent a hand written card or shared a story with me. This year a little girl, only 11 years old, wrote a new version of the 12 days of Christmas for me and sang it in her brightest voice in my living room. What gift could be bought that could replace that? None.
As Chanukah ends, Christmas is coming and the New Year approaches, I am so very thankful to you for staying with me and reading these newsletters. I recently read the book “The Art Of Thank-You: Crafting Notes of Gratitude”.
It is amazing that in this digital age we often forget to say thank you to people. Harvard Business Review recently had an article on the importance of sending a quick thank you email in response to emails that others send. It may feel like extra clutter, but it lets the other party know that you received the message and read it. It also feels good to say thank you. We must always remember that no one is required to be nice to us. We don’t deserve kindness. And yet many people are kind and giving to us, asking nothing in return but a thank you. It is our responsibility to thank them and to pass kindnesses forward to others. Not because they deserve it, or because we want something from them – but simply because it makes the world better in that one brief moment.
Say thank you to a facilities person cleaning the floors, say thank you to a housekeeper in a hotel, say thank you to door man, a parent with a polite child, to co workers and your family members and friends you haven’t seen in a while. Don’t do it because I say so, do it because it will make a big difference in how you feel.
I challenge you today to say or write “Thank You” to 10 people. It can be on their Facebook page, in a quick email, hand written or in person. Just say 2 magic words that make every day better.
Thank you,
P.S. End of the World Sale! Book my show for your Christmas party. I won’t send out any invoices until Dec 22nd. If the world ends, you won’t need to pay EVER! 😉
Please contact me if you have an office or organization in your area that would like an anthropologist / Vegas Mentalist to present a clean corporate show, or come and lead workshops on communication, motivation and change management!
Your friend,
-Paul Draper
www.MentalMystery.com (agent friendly site)

(A traditional Hanukkah photo at the Magic Castle
with a traditional Hollywood Mrs. Claus.)
“One can never have enough socks,” said Dumbledore. “Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn’t get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books.”
-J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
In the last month I have been fortunate enough to spend time at Disneyland, Disneyworld and Disney of Glendale (Imagineering offices). However, I recently discovered that one of my friends, Chris Ritter is panning a trip to Disney, as he hasn’t been since 1992 and his wife has never been! I am thankful to him for all of his kind words and advice over the last few years and also for sending me this fun video while we were talking about the best strategy for what to see and do at Disney. (Let me know if you are planning a trip, I can help you.)
“Disneyland apparently no longer has Mission to Mars, but maybe this clip is even cooler.”
– Chris
Mission to Mars the original Disney version 1992

A few moments with Paul Draper in the media this last month

In Search of Magic with Jason Bird episode 1
watch here
CBS Hollywood interviewed me about the attack on California Magician Wayne Houchin in the Dominican Republic.
click here
Co-hosted the 100th episode of Mystery School Monday with Jeff McBride
click here
In the Park City Record (Where Sundance Film Festival is held each year)
click here